

SERENATAS - Soraya Portela (Parnaíba/PI)

Converting the intimacy, imagination and experience of these bodies

A space where civilian women transcribe the private universe of their lives, converting the intimacy, imagination and experience of these bodies into scenic experiments that discuss living and aging.

A temporary suspension of routine and the impositions of time through artistic and poetic practices that trigger crucial questions related to memory, identity, sensuality of the flesh, eroticism and sociality. A temporary immersion among different women 60+ to enjoy their own bodies – this revolutionary place – together and alive. The installation of a temporary home, a place in the city to meet other women, dance and experience everything that arises in the encounters: dance as a practice of life. What happens in the world when a lady opens her hips and dances as IF there were tomorrow? What other images of aging can expand and populate our imagination? What are the positions that these bodies trigger as a common ground in their narratives of aging?

Office realization

WORKSHOP DATES: 11/04 to 11/10

TIME: 9am to 12pm

LOCATION: Clube Municipal de Itacaré. Itacaré/BA


DATE: 11/10, SUN

TIME: 7:30 pm

LOCATION: Centro Cultural Porto de Trás, Itacaré/BA


Creation and Artistic Direction: Soraya Portela

Assistance and Collaboration: Layane Holanda

Participation: Lara Luz (Laura Rodrigues Silva) senhora dançarina do filme “Serenatas Dançadas” e Mulheres 60+

Soraya Portela

Soraya Portela is an artist, researcher and curator in performing arts. Her works move between dance, performance and video. She investigates collaborative practices focused on creation, curation, management and educational processes in the arts, aligned with the notions of body, memory and community. Intersecting art and aging, she continuously maps gestures and symbolic productions of old age. She lives in Parnaíba-PI and works collaborating with artists and institutions throughout Brazil as an independent artist at the head of @canteiroteresina – a multidisciplinary platform for creation, training and articulation of cultural actions in Piauí, between childhood and old age, where she is a co-creator.