Me, you, us?
Transmission of knowledge?
History? Memory?
Principle of inclusion? Belonging?
Construction of identity? Expression of diversity?

Spiral time? Does the body dance time?

In light of these questions, the show “Ancestralidade em Movimento”, taking as its reference the black-African aesthetic matrices in Bahia, in dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity with dance, music, history, image, scenography and poetry, is inspired by the universal character, combining the past, the present and the future. For the scenic elaboration, the work was based on the choreographer’s studies on a teaching methodology focused on black dance entitled “Corpo Tambor: Um Novo Olhar da Dança de Expressão Negra”. It is a ritualistic show inserted in the holistic context where everything is intertwined with the cosmos, which symbolizes the concept of àse. In this space, the circular movement symbolizes the creation and renewal of life, manifesting itself through visual representations that capture the àse of our existence. Ancestralidade em Movimento, a show by Grupo de Dança Contemporânea da UFBA.

DATE: 11/6, WED

TIME: 7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Centro Cultural Porto de Trás, Itacaré/BA


General direction, conception and choreography: Edileuza Santos

Production and musical direction: Gilberto Santiago

Soundtrack/Performance musicians: Gilberto Santiago, Lucas de Gal, Caroline Mota, ngelo Santiago

Guest performance musician: Léo Jesus

Musical consultant: Edileuza Santos

Creative performers: Brenda Falcão, Cauã Borges, Isla Haiala, Joseh Jarah, Maiane Mendes, Monalisa Azevedo, Uiliane Monteiro

Production: Laís Cavalcanti/ Inaíra Gomes

Graphic design: João Sobral, Brenda Falcão and Uiliane Monteiro
Sound design: Ivo Conceição

Scenographic conception: Edileuza Santos

Scenographic realization: João Teixeira

Lighting: Thelma Gualberto

Costume design: O Grupo

Costume adaptation: Clara Elisa Miranda

Body preparation: Cecília Bastos, Edileuza Santos and Lenira Rengel

Photography: Ted Ferreira

Communications Advisor: Rafael Brito

Social media: Cauã Borges and Uiliane Monteiro

Voice: Joseh Jara

Text adapted from Ailton Krenak: Edileuza Santos

Sankofa screen image: work provided by visual artist Ronaldo Ferreira

Production: Escola de Dança da UFBA

Direction: Antrifo Sanches
Vice-direction: Gilsamara Moura

Edileuza Santos

Edileuza Santos is a director, dancer, teacher, and choreographer. Over the years, she has studied black dance and investigated a methodology applied to contemporary dance entitled Corpo-Tambor: Um Novo Olhar da Dança de Expressão Negra. She taught for ten years in the Dance Degree course at the UFBA School of Dance. Through the Organização Capoeira Foundation, she completed artistic residencies in the USA: University of Florida Gainesville, University of Tennessee, Nashville-Tn, University of Alabama Birmingham-AL, University of Alaska and Boulder CO, New World Dance Theatre Miami FL.